Isaiah14:12. How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations.

satan the devil was called Lucifer before the fall. He is fond of weakening nations with lies,and evil. Truth and righteousness strengthens nations. Our theme scripture says, Satan the devil has been cut down to the ground. In other words,he has been reduced to nothing, he is nolonger Lucifer,son of the morning. He has continued weakening nations through demons and human agents, however, God has given the church the authority to disorgise and destroy their activities. Through agents, the enemy has weakened the economy of nations; business and Families have been heavily affected but the hope is, our redeemer lives, he has empowered us the church to bring this to an end. We must decree and declare a divine restoration, and a healing. The enemy was cut down,he is defeated. So we fight from victory,from success,from prosperity, from power and authority. That is why we are called more than conquerors! Amen.

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